We have water, we have electricity… but the little house, let's face it, is still ugly as hell. There's a pipe showing, it's all full of holes, we can see the beams, the blocks. So, today, we are going to…
We have water, we have electricity… but the little house, let's face it, is still ugly as hell. There's a pipe showing, it's all full of holes, we can see the beams, the blocks. So, today, we are going to…
Our work keep going, so today it's time to do the electrical part. It's time to bring electrcity to our little house. In the previous episode, we installed the water lines in our little house and it turned Out beautifully, everything…
[Música] Parou parou parou o que você tá fazendo Tô fazendo um buraco para chegar do Outro lado do planeta você não tá vendo Mas desse jeito é lógico Você queria que Eu fizesse o quê usasse uma Retroescavadeira Eu…