So, did it defrost? Today we are going to test a meat defrosting tray that just arrived here at Manual Do Mundo and which promises to defrost a steak in less than half an hour. And the Craziest thing is that, theoretically, it does this without electricity, without Microwaves, without chemicals, without absolutely anything. Just put the steak up here and defrost. But calm down, let's see if that makes any sense first, because look at the feeling, If you put your hand on a piece of wood, a meat board, it's warm. You put your hand On top of this here and it's ice-cold. If it's colder, how will it defrost the meat faster? What happens is that you think you have a thermometer inside your body to know the temperature of things, but you don't. Here 20.8 degrees Celsius and here 20.9, 21. That is, the temperature is practically the same, except that here we have the feeling That it is colder because this aluminum tray, I don't even know if you can call it A tray, it is stealing much more heat from our hand than the tray, which is a thermal insulator. In other words, aluminum conducts heat very well and wood does not. Aluminum is so good at conducting heat that we usually have this weird thing inside Our computer precisely to cool the processor. The chip heats up, then the aluminum steals the heat from it and passes the heat to the air through these fins here. So, it makes perfect sense, this tray works like a computer heatsink, except that Instead of putting something hot up here, you'll put something cold. And then, the Cutting board will be very good to absorb the heat from the environment and transfer It to the steak. All this in theory, in practice we know that the steak will defrost Somehow here. But the question is will it thaw fast? Will it thaw faster than it Would thaw doing something else? So, we are going to make the following comparison. Here we have a meat board that I think most people defrost on top of the meat board, The aluminum board itself… As this here is very similar to the baking pan we already Have at home, we're going to test it in an aluminum baking pan too, because suddenly It's the same thing. And we are also going to test it in an aluminum baking pan that Has a Teflon coating, because nowadays a lot of people have this type of baking pan here. And also because what we are testing is coated with teflon. And there is still A fifth thing that we would like to compare when the meat is placed in water. The First test we are going to do with the hamburgers that have been freezing here for A couple of days. I know that we usually fry the hamburger without defrosting it, The point is that this meat has a very uniform shape, it's good for us to compare One thing with the other. This one I unfolded so that it sinks a little, but we

Don't want it to sink too much. Anyway, no one will have a vacuum pump to get all The air out of here, it will float a little. Cool! One important thing that iit S better to make clear right away, what I am doing here is not safe in the kitchen, Because the meat will start to heat up and it will reach a temperature that causes The proliferation of microorganisms, that is, the bacteria that were there in the Flesh suffering from the cold so that they couldn't reproduce, now they're going To feel warm and they're going to start to get dangerous. We researched in several places at health agency in Brazil, in the United States, What is the best way to defrost meat? What's the safest way? The best way is to Defrost it in your fridge. You take it out of the freezer, put it in the fridge, It will thaw slowly there, but it will remain cold at a safe temperature where bacteria won't want to reproduce like crazy. Another cool way would be to use the microwave and, right after that, prepare the Meat, put it to bake, fry, whatever, because that will kill the bacteria that are There. There are some other methods that are also safe for you to control the temperature Of the meat and everything else, but this is more for industry, for large restaurants. We know that, in practice, on a daily basis, you're starving, and the steak is frozen There. You're going to put it on top of the sink to defrost, but you're not going To say I didn't warn you, is it ok? Look how crazy, the aluminum temperature is Already below 16º, the heat condition is absurd. But an important thing here, you saw that we put this wood underneath so that the air can flow. They would have a function more or less similar to these aluminum fins, right? The air can run in here and steal more heat. 17 minutes. Let's do a fork test here to see if the fork goes into the patties. It did! This one thawed out. It thawed, it thawed. It didn't thaw. We already have some results. This one is completely soft. But I stuck the fork in the side, right? Let's put it in the middle. It thawed, thawed, thawed, not thawed. You can pierce the hamburger with your finger. Comparing with wood, the other methods put on a show here. In the three aluminum ones, it defrosted. In the water, things went soft. If we don't know exactly who the winner is, at least we are sure of the loser. This one was our first test, and the hamburger, despite being a uniform meat, good for testing, it defrosts very easily. And I suspect that this water here is defrosting the meat better than the other aluminum things.

So, we already prepared a sirloin steak, which is a much more difficult meat to defrost, And maybe we can compare the best result there. And I'm also going to try to stick The fork beforehand, because I made a mistake, I thought that in 17 minutes it would still be tough. I thought I was going to do an epic opening here, but it didn't. This meat is much tougher than a hamburger. Listen the noise. This pot here is a little smaller than it should be, I'm going to replace the pot now right at the beginning of the test. The steaks are about the same size, but their surface is much rougher than the hamburger. 10 minutes. Still frozen. 12 minutes, and I'm suspicious this steak here is defrosted. Let's put the fork in it. We have a winner! Meat in plastic in water. I swear to you that I did not imagine. I think that thumbs up down there is worth it, huh? Just to compare, this steak here is still tough, as are all the others. No sign of defrosting. This one is a brick. 20 minutes. It started to get a little softer for the fork, but it can't quite pierce through the meat overall. Here it was, but not at all points yet. Look, some places go. My first impression is that in both ways it is defrosting faster than on the defrosting tray. 22 minutes, let's do the steak flexibility test. Look, in the wood, it has a little tip that is flexible. On the defrosting tray, it started to warp already. In terms of shape too, I thought it bent a lot more. And so, we're close to a winner, eh? I mean, we're close to second place. 25 minutes is enough to make an assessment here by the amount of ice on top of each meat. If you look at the wooden one, it's full of ice. On the aluminum tray, there is some ice. There's almost no ice here anymore and there's no ice here. The fork already passes through several points, it is still not 100% defrosted. Go ahead, not here, there's a stone again. 28 minutes and the fork enters all the points of this steak here that is defrosted. We have second place!

Look, I would give it a technical draw, because this shape is also bust at all points. And the steak is ready to be fried, right? Here, the fork goes through almost everything. Look, there's a stretch that didn't thaw, you can see that it's less flexible too. I don't consider it fully thawed yet. In wood, I won't even test that you can see A lot of ice. Half an hour, which was the promised time, you can still see ice crystal up here. It has a part that is hard to stick the fork. This piece here hasn't thawed yet. 33 minutes. That little piece is still a little hard, there's still some ice in there, but I can already pierce the fork. It thawed. I'm not going to wait for the wood, because it's been 35 minutes and the steak hasn't Even started to bend, it's full of ice crystals on top. So, we already know that it is the worst method by far. Let's go then to our final ranking of the Manual do Mundo test. First, our meat was inside the plastic bag that is inside the water, which in 12 minutes defrosted. Secondly, the steak that was on top of the baking pan that we already have at home, Defrosted in 28 minutes in both pans. The teflon doesn't seem to have made much Of a difference. In 33 minutes, the steak defrosted on the professional tray bought especially for this purpose. It's a time that loses its ways, but it's more or less what was promised on the packaging, right? And the wood was disqualified. In short… after we do these tests, there will always be some people who will write To us saying "Ah, it works at home", "you didn't test it the x y z way", I don't know what… But being very honest with you, I showed you everything we did in the test. That's It. We put hamburgers first, then steaks here, they're not perfectly identical. But hey, 12 to 33 minutes gives us a good idea of what's going on, right? There's a test I wanted to do just for fun, which is to put an ice cube on top of These things to see how quickly it melts. It would be kind of boring to watch the video if I put ice in everything, so let's Just put it on the aluminum tray, on the meat tray, and I want to see this here too. Ice has an advantage over steak. As it defrosts, the liquid part goes away. While on the steak, no. The part that defrosts stays there, stopping the part that is frozen from receiving the heat from the board. And more.

As the ice melts, it molds itself exactly to the object underneath. This makes the contact surface always perfect. Want to see another cool test? We took Nokia mobile phone to its limits. Set it on fire, threw it in the water… Take a look at this video.

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