Today we are going to test whether the speakers at maximum volume consume more battery than if they are at low volume. This question was asked on Iberê Responde and I thought it was really cool to test. And first of all, is there any basis for this? Will it really be that if we put on one of those Bluetooth headphones with maximum Volume, it will use more energy? Does this little speaker here use more energy because It has a loud sound? It makes sense and the explanation for it is cool. Sound is A vibration, it is a vibration that most of the time we perceive through the air That is vibrating around us. For you to be able to create sound, you need to make something shake, vibrate… And that's what a loudspeaker does, it vibrates all the time, it moves the air and That movement reaches our ears. We perceive the sound that is coming out of the Speaker. To make a sound with very low volume, the speaker shakes very little. It can shake fast, but the movement is small. It will do just like that, a very microscopic tremor. Now you go to one of those Clubs that when you get home, your ears are like this. The speaker will have to shake a lot, it will have to make a wider movement, it will Have to go back and forth with more force. The question is, does it really make a difference in practice? Could you listen to it three times as long if you had it on low volume? I have no idea. So, we separated two speakers here. I'm not going to compare one against the other, okay? I'm going to compare this one with this one and this one with this one so we can have Two different speakers that participated in the experiment. So, I downloaded two Different songs, one for each speaker, that's not a problem, because once again we Are not comparing with the other. And I'll let it play for a long time at a very High volume and then we'll let it play again at a very low volume. And let's see how long they will last. There's only one problem before starting the test… This speaker can play music at a very high volume, but think at a high volume, and I think it is capable of playing this music for, like, 10 hours straight. That's longer than the time we spend here at the Manual do Mundo office. Yeah, this isn't my house, it's the office. Which is in a place where there are neighbors who want to sleep at night, so we're Going to have to do a test here to see if by placing this speaker at a very high

Volume, it won't leak sound from a neighbor next door… and it can so suddenly get A little uncomfortable with this experience. Let's play it, go outside and see if the sound is reaching us. This here measures the volume of the sound. Let's see how much is in here and how much is out there. It's a sound somewhere between a hair dryer and a helicopter taking off. It's really loud, it's uncomfortable. Here outside the studio, we hear the music perfectly. We hear playing loudly inside. It's still pretty high, let's close another door. Look, out here with the noise of the city, I can hardly hear anymore. You can hear that there is music playing, but softly. This window is where I was afraid the sound would leak, it's inside the studio, it's A studio wall, but it's sealed. What did I do? I put a 6 mm MDF, then a rockwool blanket. Rockwool is a fluffy thing that muffles sound, and then there's 2 cm or 20 mm of MDF. So, there's a pretty big insulation layer here and you can hear absolutely nothing Out here. Moreover, there is an air conditioning unit turned on next to it, which Makes a little noise that is louder than the volume of the music. Just to give you An idea, the silent environment here reaches about 50 decibels or so. It's quite noisy, but I can't even hear the music, so this isn't a measure of the music. It's a measure of the general noise going on here. This problem has been solved, but we have another issue… If this is going to be playing all night, who's going to notice when the speaker stops? Because what we thought here is to leave a recorder in the computer recording the speakers. So, I put it on record and, look, it picks up everything I'm saying. Then I connect the two speakers… The only problem is how will he know which speaker is which, right? It's recording everything. I'm going to have to leave this one far away, and this one right next to the computer. It's hard to tell when the little one stops, see? It's much weaker than the big one. One thing we thought about doing here, but we can't do, is to cover that speaker. Put it inside a box, close it, put something on top, because, if you cover the speaker, It needs to exert more force for the sound to come out, it will be more difficult For it to do it, moving the air inside the closed environment, it can give a series Of interference, then, you can even screw up the speaker. So, we opted to leave Everything open, but I'm going to have to do some workaround here for the computer

To be able to hear this little speaker, which is much smaller. Maybe turning the Speaker over to the microphone makes it a little better, right? One is very close to the other. I turned on the big one. I turned on the little one. Even so, it's difficult. It won't be the easiest thing In the world, but we'll be able to find out which one is playing here. 50 cm from The microphone is ideal for us to know when it switches off. Let's put the speakers to load. Yesterday we left it playing at 3:30 pm. It is now 10 am the next day. And I can hear something playing in there. Maybe one of the speakers is still playing. It wasn't the speaker. It was the cell phone that was playing. Probably, the battery ran out of the speaker and Then he took over the sound to keep playing. This has not happened with another Cell phone. But the computer kept recording the audio, and that's great news. It means that we haven't lost our work. It is registered here. Let's take a look at this waveform. Waveform is that drawing that the sound makes to see when the speakers stopped. How big is this going to be here? It was, like, 18 hours of recording. One minute just to save the file. In the meantime, I'll leave the speakers loading for the next test. It's charging. We can see that. Yeah, the speakers lasted almost the same time. Here volume high, then volume lowered and then silent. And here was when we arrived at the studio and started talking. It's really clear, isn't it? The small speaker lasted 5 hours and 29 minutes. Here it stopped, then continued playing on cell phone. Exactly 6 hours. There are two very cool things here. The first is that the two speakers support practically the same time. I imagined that the little one would last less, because it is smaller, has a smaller Battery, but there was only half an hour difference. And the second thing is that It lasts a long time, right? 6 hours is enough to party a lot, because you could Use a power bank or a charger while it's playing and it would play forever. Before

Doing the next test, I wanted to see what's inside this speaker. I've never seen The inside of a speaker like that. So, what I'm going to do now was recorded after We did all the tests, ok? Because I didn't want the dismantling of the speaker, Because it could suddenly interfere a little with its quality, make any difference In the experience. But let's see what's inside. If I screw this up, Mari will kill me. I'm angry now! I was possessed. I swore to you that there would be a speaker on this side, another speaker on this side, but no. It's just a speaker at the front. The wire is very thick, because a lot of energy comes through here, and I imagine That the battery is here. This platoon that's in here. For the risk I took here, I would already give this video a thumbs up, huh? Nobody would think it was dismantled. Let's go to the second test which is to put the volume very low. I'm not going to put it on the minimum volume that you can't even hear, I'm going To put it on a low volume as if I were relaxing at home, enjoying a nice chilled Song. But I'm going to put the same song in both speakers, okay? Because if I change The music, then it changes how much the speaker consumes too. Chances are, if you Put on a song that has a stronger beat, it will last for less time. Another thing Is that if we put it on at around three o'clock in the afternoon, then the 6 hour Ones stopped at 9 pm, so the neighbors can't complain, right? It's quieter now, huh? We have to do the test again to see if when I stop one speaker or the other, it can be seen in the file that was recorded. Pausing the little one. Pausing the big one. So, how many minutes do you think these speakers will last, huh? If they lasted more or less 6 hours at high volume, at low volume, I guess about between 12 and 15 hours. Leave it in the comments. Let's see if you get it right too. 2:30 pm, we'll be back tomorrow. The computer has been recording for 67 hours. The result of this is very different from what I imagined. Let's put it on the board. This here is a respectable result. Look how crazy, the tiny speaker, at high volume, played five and a half hours, five Hours and 29 minutes. At low volume, it played 17 hours.

Practically three times as long as it played at high volume, so there is no doubt That at low volume it consumes much less. Now, the result of the gigantic one here, This one was a surprise. High volume, 6 hours. Practically the same thing as the little one. At low volume, it just played… 38 and a half hours! I had to extend the blackboard here, because my chart didn't fit. I had only predicted up to 12 hours, which is how long I thought it would play. Played like six times what it plays at low volume. So there is absolutely no doubt. High volume consumes much more battery. Do you want a domestic tip that is perhaps even more useful than the one you just watched? You can learn how to freeze soda in up to 30 seconds. I mean, I don't remember if It was exactly 30 seconds that we got in the video, but it's really fast. It's there on the cards for you to see.

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